Monday, April 11, 2011


We finally got in a little ride this weekend.  It's been rainy, we've been busy, and there hasn't been any thing to report!
But, yesterday, we got out for a 30-mile round-trip.  The Male needed a haircut, and I was promised a paleta for tagging along, so I saddled up.  We also picked up a few more (kiwi, mango, cherry, coconut, and berry) to deliver to a friend for his birthday, too. 
The weather was gorgeous; 66 degrees and sunny.  The traffic was light, and I stayed upright the entire way.  I always feel such a sense of accomplishment when that happens...  The only little hiccup was not making a tight enough turn into the barber shop's parking lot.  But, I just had to back up a bit and turn a little more, and viola'!  And, in another little victory, we both managed to park correctly, backing up against the curb. 
And, I thoroughly enjoyed my sweet potato paleta after dinner!